
There are many searches that have the ability to return much more data than is practical to download. For example, a search for all permits in Texas since 1970 might return 500,000 points. To limit the download time, the system cuts off the data at 250 points (if you are searching only one layer or 125 per layer for multiple layers. If you are only searching one layer, you can increase the truncation limit by checking the box labeled Increase Truncation Limit that appears at the start of the Search Wizard page.  



If your data is getting cut off, there are a few things you can do to get the data you need:


1) You can narrow your search criterion in many ways within each Search Wizard. This limits the number of points returned so you can get the points you need. For example, if you are searching for completions, you can set the "Depth" as the truncation criterion. This means that the data is searched for by depth as well as by the required criterion. You can then see what the largest depth is in the data and then search again for completions with a depth greater than the cutoff depth.


2) You can control how the data set is cut off by setting the truncation criterion at the bottom of the Well Log and eCommerce Search Wizards. There is a drop down list box that allows you to select a field to order the data.


3) Oil and Gas are considered separate layers (in completion or production searches). If you know you do not need one of these, you should uncheck that layer in the Production or Completion Search Wizard.



Truncation Warning:


If you find that your searches are truncating and you decide to increase the truncation limit, be careful because there are some serious undesirable side effects.  Because so many points can be retrieved, download times can become very large, perhaps a few minutes. Worse yet, the amount of data fed to the browser can be so large that everything you do will be very slow, including hovering on points, clicking on points, etc. Also, computers without enough memory may crash or appear crashed when generating a table view.